Production info

The Case of the Fouled Up Pharaoh
USA, 1985  TV  

TV-series Potato Head Kids

Mrs. Potato Head has assigned her class to do a report on the Egyptian exhibit at the local museum. The Potato Head Kids explore the museum and drive the curator nuts - they are then accidentally locked in for the night and decide to play with some of the costumes they see. After reading about an ancient curse on an Egyptian necklace, they are ambushed by an Egyptian dog creature named Anubis and chased all over the museum. The surprise appearance of a mummified Mr. Potato Head and the quick thinking of Spud reveals that Anubis is actually the museum curator. The curator wanted to steal the necklace and blame its disappearance on the curse. The Potato Head Kids have saved the day and gotten A-pluses on their reports as a bonus. (source:

Episode from the children series "Potato Head Kids", which was originally often combined with an episode of "My Little Pony and Friends". "Potato Head Kids" is an outgrowth of the Mr. Potato Head character franchise, which Mr. And Mrs. Potato Head now playing adult figures in the lives of their children and their friends, basically a varied bunch of anthropomorphic potatoes with different personalities.

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